Many people like the convenience of online giving. This is an option here at Pinecrest in addition to giving through the offering plate on Sundays. Please watch the appropriate video and see online giving explained.
Once you click the “Click Here to Give” button below, you will be taken to a page to enter the amount you would like to give. You can give to our Regular Budget Offering as well as to specific designated funds such as the Building Fund or our missions offerings. If you have a specific designation, simply choose Designated Funds and explain in the memo section.
The church does incur a small processing fee for online donations and you have the option to cover the fee, but please know that this is not required for online giving. Once you enter the amount(s) you would like to give, hit continue and it will take you to a page to enter your payment information. There is a box that you can check on this page to cover the processing cost. If selected, your total gift will be increased by this amount (3% of the donation).
We also have a Text to Give Option. Text "1285PBC" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.
Thank you for supporting the Lord’s work through Pinecrest Baptist Church.